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The Closing Sequence in Revelation | TheLastDays

With the Marriage Supper of the Lamb the book becomes once again a single procession of events. There is no further need to pull away from the primary timeline in order to showcase simultaneous occurrences or events taking place in other locations. Curiously, the long-awaited showdown—Armageddon—happens almost in the blink of the eye once the Lord Jesus returns. Then, there is the thousand-year hiatus of the Millennial Kingdom before things heat up one last time with the Very Last Battle, followed by the Great White Throne judgment. After that it’s the lovely New Heavens and New Earth, the New Jerusalem and the River and the Tree of Life. In closing Jesus has the last Word: "I am coming soon!"The Closing Sequence: TheLastDays.info

Then I heard what seemed to be the voice of a great multitude, like the roar of many waters and like the sound of mighty peals of thunder, crying out, "Hallelujah! For the Lord our God the Almighty reigns. Revelation 19:6

All scripture citations are from the English Standard Version (ESV) unless otherwise noted.

Returning to the Timeline

Two intervening chapters took us away from the book’s central timeline to view the dreadful fate of Mystery Babylon. That whole extended episode could not realistically take place in the brief interval between the last bowl of wrath and Jesus’ Return. There simply isn’t time for it. Nor is there a context. This becomes glaringly obvious, when one considers the way Babylon’s fall was viewed by the rest of the world. People of the surrounding nations and the other kings of the earth grieved as if they were still untouched by any judgments. That would be an impossible perspective for anyone still alive while the Bowls of Wrath are being poured. Those deadly plagues will have every unsaved person thinking only of themselves and their own survival.

Having viewed the last of the Concurrent Events, we're back on track picking up the thread of this story in the timeline that paused with the final outpouring of the Bowls of Wrath. We're either at the very next event which occurred after the last bowl was poured or we're starting up with an event that began just before the seven angels emerged from heaven’s Temple. That would have been after the seventh and last trumpet. Naturally there's some debate about this and you should know that there are two possible ways to see the Marriage Supper's placement: either as concurrent with the bowls or immediately following them.

Once we get past that sticking point, however, there is absolutely nothing left in the book but the unfolding of a perfect progression of events. It is beyond question that what we are looking at from Chapter 19 through to the very last words in the book is a closing sequence that is as straightforward and undeviating as that of all the Throne Room judgments. Recall how the opening of the seven seals led into the seven trumpet judgments which culminated with the seven plagues. After that comes our Lord’s Return. The entire series of judgments will have prepared the way for Armageddon to occur, by galvanizing the Beast’s followers to attempt a desperate last stand to keep the earth under their control.

Having said that, we're coming back around now to dealing with the issue of just where the narrative picks up. Does it overlap the Bowls of Wrath with the Marriage Supper of the Lamb? Some would say that it does because the Bride would have been taken up just before that series of judgments began. The better reasoning here is not that she needs to escape, but that there's no further need for her witness. John told us that there's nobody left on earth who can or will repent. Therefore, there's no further need for the Bride to heroically give her witness through martyrdom and deeds of radical overcoming faith. There is literally nothing she can do, or that God can do through her, to help the hardened souls that remain to turn to the Lord and be saved. At this point they’re completely beyond redemption. However, all of this is reasoning based, perhaps wishful reasoning at that.

On the other hand, a more compelling case can be made for the Bride to remain during the bowl judgments. The Lord could easily preserve His faithful ones in the final few days of earth’s ordeal since this is exactly what He has been doing all along. In that case, the Rapture and the Marriage Feast would come when Jesus arrives after all the judgments are over. This proposal has the advantage of being most in keeping with the biblical texts. According to both Paul and Jesus, believers will be on the earth right up to the very moment that Jesus arrives with heaven’s army. Only then will we be gathered along with the dead to meet Him in the air. The Marriage Supper will naturally be postponed until all the guests can arrive and that surely includes those who died in the faith in previous generations. See ("When Is the Rapture?” for more on this.)

List of Articles

The Marriage Supper  This has been a long time coming, but it will be a festal gathering well-worth the waiting and the pain-filled enduring that brings us to it. Many are the unforgettable meals depicted in scripture: Abraham’s hosting of the Lord and two angels, Moses and the seventy elders on Mount Sinai where “they beheld God,” the miraculous feeding of the multitudes, and the Last Supper of Jesus with His disciples. Always meals represent fellowship, life and sustenance. This supper brings us into an eternity of intimate fellowship with our Bridegroom lover sustained by His unlimited ability to provide “everything necessary for life and godliness.”

The Returning King This will be the third time that our Lord makes a grant entrance. Both times earlier it was to Jerusalem that He came, just as He will this time. Could it be that there is something of incredible significance about that one, unique location? Twice before the residents of Jerusalem lined the streets in boisterous celebration: first, when David brought back the Ark of His Presence and later, when Messiah Jesus returned one last time to suffer the cross. Once again, He will be at the head of a parade of devoted followers, but this time they will be troops armed for battle! He’s not expecting a welcoming committee to greet Him on this return.

Armageddon The fearsome climax of all the deadly convulsions preceding our Lord’s Return comes with this epic “Last Battle.” So dreadful is the thought of it that its very name has become a byword for any end of the world scenario: Armageddon! Never mind that this final conflict is not the last battle—that will come a thousand years after this one. Or, that it won’t take place where church tradition and popular culture suppose. Even so, this gigantic battle will bring our history to a stupendous end. Earth will no longer be a planet ruled without its rightful King enthroned. Armageddon is the last-ditch effort of fallen humanity to retain the reins of power. It will be a gigantic duel to the death between the vast armies of Jesus Christ and the Antichrist.

The Millennium Reign With all the hoopla about the Rapture, one could easily suppose that rising to “meet the Lord in the air” will be the high point of the Last Days. Not on your life! He is coming down to be with us here, not going up! The whole point and purpose of the End Times is to bring to an end humanity’s reign on earth—the kingdoms of fallen man—so that His own glorious kingdom can come. Jesus will be with us on the earth reigning as King, unhindered by Satan for one thousand years. What a strange and wonderful time that will be. Good thing we have scriptures to help us imagine it.

The Very Last Battle This battle isn’t Armageddon. That “Last Battle” is the one that will end our present age—the time that lies between the two advents of Jesus: when He came to be the Lamb slain at the cross and His return as our Lion-hearted King. When Jesus returns at Armageddon, He will face forces of evil that have had at least six thousand years to “dig in.” The run up to this battle will be radically different. It is preceded by one thousand years of peace and righteousness upon the earth. If this “Final Conflict” seems anti-climactic, it also seems unnecessary. One thing, however, is certain. It will be titanic!

The Last Judgment This is the famous Last Judgment. Only the very foolish have no fear of it, though terror will surely seize them when this day arrives. Even the redeemed had a fear of it, for knowing that we will be judged is an integral part of the fear of God which is the beginning of wisdom. Thankfully, that fear has been overcome by the gospel and by our faith-surrender to the Lord Jesus. Never will we be more grateful for the Blood that covers us than when these books are opened! Tragically, those same books carry a sentence of doom for all who have not turned to our God for their salvation. This is the moment they hoped would never come.

New Heaven and Earth Anyone reading about the destructive judgments that are coming would have to wonder how the earth as we know it could possibly survive. Earthquakes and volcanos, droughts and floods, pestilence and fire, meteor or comet strikes and immense conflicts (possibly thermonuclear ones) will ravage land and sea. It may take all the Millennium to accomplish the necessary restoration. Then, comes the surprise. The end game isn’t about a remake, but a making new. Nothing less than new heavens and a new earth is hidden up the Lord’s sleeve! But that’s not all. A new Jerusalem is also in the works.

The New Jerusalem Get ready for a “romp” that will take us practically through the whole of scripture. To see this far into the future, we will need to take many thought-focusing looks back into our past. When John was shown the new heavens and the new earth very little was given by way of their description. No so for the New Jerusalem they contain! Nineteen colorful verses are devoted to it—a generous portion indeed. The evocative images they provide will send our thoughts off in many fascinating directions. Be sure to read through to the end. It’s a stunner!

The River and the Tree With this section of the Book of Revelation we come full circle. Our story began in Genesis where a river provided natural life to a garden and a tree grew there capable of giving eternal life. Now at the end of the Book we are shown a new garden—the new Jerusalem—where God will dwell with His saved and redeemed human family. We will have been forever saved from the evil which attacked us and redeemed from the evil that captured us from within. We will be an immense and joyous multitude! And right through our midst will flow the River of Life. And right on its banks will be the Tree of Life. Our Lord never gave up on His original purpose.

Jesus Is Coming!  We have come to the final act in the Closing Sequence which began when the Last Days judgments ended. From the Marriage Supper to the Return of the King, then through the Millennium, Very Last Battle and Great White Throne judgment the future unfolded before our wondering eyes. Onwards the vision flowed to the distant shores of a New Heavens and Earth that hosted a New Jerusalem with its unique River and Trees of Life. There is nothing left to reveal! Nothing, perhaps, that can fit within our imagination. Naturally, after such a fantastic drama, the play’s Author now steps upon the stage for a few final words.

Next Piece of the Puzzle

The Marriage Supper  This has been a long time coming, but it will be a festal gathering well-worth the waiting and the pain-filled enduring that brings us to it. Many are the unforgettable meals depicted in scripture: Abraham’s hosting of the Lord and two angels, Moses and the seventy elders on Mount Sinai where “they beheld God,” the miraculous feeding of the multitudes, and the Last Supper of Jesus with His disciples. Always meals represent fellowship, life and sustenance. This supper brings us into an eternity of intimate fellowship with our Bridegroom lover sustained by His unlimited ability to provide “everything necessary for life and godliness.”

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